In May 2011, after four years of life on McNutt's Island, we moved to Montreal. This blog remains, though, as a (sort of) daily record of our time on the island, and a winding path for anyone who would like to meander about among its magical places. For additional perspectives and insights I recommend Greg's book, Island Year: Finding Nova Scotia (2010), and my Bowl of Light (2012). I'll continue to post once in a while. If you do want to read this blog, one option would be to begin at the beginning of it (which is, as we all know, in blog-world, at the end), and read forward, concluding with the most recent entry. It's a journal, really, so it does makes more sense if you read it that way. But, you know, read it any way you like.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

chickadee in oak tree

One sunny day last week I watched a dozen little birds -- mostly warblers and chickadees, as far as I could tell -- catapult from the woods near the shore to the bog to the oak tree: boing boing boing like a bunch of ping-pong balls. These birds hardly pause to allow for pictures. They've got another agenda entirely - bugs!So I was glad to catch this chickadee in rapt contemplation.


Janet said...

Hi Anne: I will miss you on your hiatus from Island Journal - since the whole province has been called "Almost an Island" have you considered a maybe once a week post, including some shots of Halifax and what you are seeing and doing there. In my fantasies, I think of holing up there in the winters and soaking up a little propinquity after years of isolation in my rural paradise - lol! I was a resident of peninsular Halifax until my late twenties - I miss it sometimes.

Bonnie said...

I will definitly miss your blog, and pictures, and will look forward to February. Success with your writing. I am enjoying Greg's
book and bought another for my daughter, and already know I want yours. You both have made quite an impression on me. Have a blessed Christmas, and a wonderful new year, full of new adventures.

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Wonderful picture. I surely will miss you, along with others - hope the time away is beneficial and restful.

Suz said...

Have a wonderful holiday season Anne! We so enjoy your blog, especially now that we live in Nova Scotia. Enjoy your winter! Neil & Susan :)