Even with its slow start in this cool, wet summer, the garden is making progress.

The squash are blossoming, which makes the squash blossom bee quite happy. He is a specialized sort of wild bee. Amazing how he knows when to show up.

This is my first year to grow bush beans. You have to search carefully beneath the broad leaves to find the beans.

Jalapeno peppers! They sat around for the longest time before deciding that yes, they would consent to grow after all.

Fennel. I hope Greg has lots of plans that include fennel.

I have cut six of the dozen cabbages for cole slaw and sauerkraut. Last year the cut plants grew a second cabbage, so I'm hoping for the same results this year. I can't remember why I was so worried about the cabbage earlier in the summer. Or anything else, for that matter.

The peas are about finished, I think, though they are still producing nicely. I started a couple more rows. Because if summer is going to be cool and wet, then the peas will be happy even in August and September. That's my thinking, anyway.

Scarlet runner beans are the prettiest. I am beginning to see tiny beans forming.

I was sitting beneath the grape arbour admiring the garden when who should I hear but a pair of Ruby Throated Hummingbirds. They zoomed all about, even up into the apple trees, their wings sounding like tiny powerful motors. I also could hear their chirp, which I don't remember ever hearing before yesterday. My bird book describes the sound as "rapid, squeaky chipping." I have seen them around a few times but yesterday was my closest encounter. If you look at the rock on the left side of the photograph you can discern the hummingbird (female or immature male) in the foreground, drinking from a red zinnia blossom. I planted the zinnia seeds in early May, specifically choosing red flowers, hoping for hummingbirds. So this is a photograph of a modest dream come true.
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