It was warm and sunny the other day. We had wanted to go scavenging along the eastern side of the island, and it was finally a good day for it. Dylan and Devon went scavenging last week, but since then there had been another good storm to wash more treasures ashore. We are lucky that we never have to worry about being beaten by the competition. There's always more where that came from.
Walking along the eastern shore is in some ways even more treacherous than walking along the shore west of the lighthouse. There's no higher ground where you can occasionally retreat from the ever-present rolling rocks beneath your feet. You must just trudge along and not take your eyes off your next step. That means no multi-tasking. If you want to look around then you need to stop walking. One thing at a time.
As you walk south in the direction of the lighthouse there are cliffs on your right, topped with forests of spruce. Sometimes the cliffs drop down until the island's edge is on a level with the shore. But the forest is too dense to enter easily from the shore. Some of the cliffs reveal deposits of clay, which may have been used for brick making in earlier times. Some of the old maps show a place named "red bank" along here.
We came upon a pond just inside the shingle beach.
Classic cobble beach, as far as the eye can see. If you were to walk further south, almost to Cape Roseway, the shoreline would be much more dramatic.

We brought home a pretty nice haul.
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